
Showing posts from 2016


轉眼間就又到了年底,今天是聖誕節是個理應開開心心的日子,但想到下午又要回去軍營就覺得異常煩悶。 昨天又久久一次的約會日,買了Zippo的香水送他,希望他是真心喜歡,不是因為是我送的才說他喜歡(雖然他之前跟我說過不要送香水因為他已經很習慣用CK ONE了😒)Zippo沒有讓我失望真的還好還好。反倒今年他拿出禮物的時候我還真的不知道怎麼反應⋯ 我還是第一次在聖誕節收到紅包,也真奇葩⋯ 唉本來還想說要挑禮物給我應該很容易才對,只好跟他說我們以後還是給彼此一個禮物清單吧!這樣也真的不錯吧?誰收到都不會失望啊。 聖誕晚餐我們一起去了嘉義的卡帕多奇亞土耳其餐廳用餐,雖然我對土耳其菜沒有什麼特別的喜好,但偶爾試試比較特別的也不錯,也很意外在中山路會看到這樣的異國料理餐廳。 卡帕多奇亞的室內裝潢非常討喜,色彩很分明,每個元件都帶著濃濃的土耳其風,餐廳空間也非常寬敞,位子很舒服,讓我忍不住想,真希望我以後住的地方也可以看起來這麼舒服可愛。 餐點選項滿多的,而且會把所有用到的食菜寫出來算是很細節的一份菜單,我們點了一個羊肉飯跟一個叫卡帕陶甕燉羊的菜,約翰覺得羊肉飯沒有醬汁這樣乾吃羊肉跟白飯有點無趣,反倒我很滿意我的卡帕陶甕燉羊,看起來有點像是酥皮濃湯的外觀,裡面的肉非常嫩,醬汁非常下飯,非常推薦😛       飽餐一頓之後我們去看了星際過客PASSENGERS,是一部還不錯的科幻愛情片。 本篇重點有: 1. 超酷炫太空船 2. Chris Pratt 的可愛屁股 3. Jennifer Laurence 很好看的白色see through Bikini  我想要是我要自己在太空船待上90年我應該也會發瘋吧,雖然把女主角叫醒有點不道德,但就像艙長說的,溺水的人總會想拖人下水,這就是人性。 出影城之後看到一個超漂亮的聖誕樹🎄就剛好可以用上新買的玩具-補光燈跟廣角鏡 拍照完全不費力耶輕易把整個聖誕樹拍了進來✌️️   今年聖誕也還好是在週末,不然在營區過節就太悶了。 希望我所有的朋友們都可以有一個不寂寞充滿笑聲的聖誕節。 明年聖誕節好想去國外過啊!

Day 2: First Day in Milan.

  Finally I have some time to write about what I've seen so far. This is my first ever meal in Milan. It was in a small cafe in the Malpensa airport. I ordered the meal in italian, but sadly perhaps my italian was too crappy that she seemed a bit confused(aghhhh)    The pilot who flied the plane was called Lorenzo. He was so good that I barely felt a thing when he landed. I noticed that because I was expecting the famous clapping after a plane lands safely, but I heard nothing. I left the airport at 7, but I still needed to find something to do before my 12:30 checkin.  I decided to go into the city central to find a TIM shop, which I couldn't find at the airport.  I arrived at the station which was ten minutes walk from the airport. The woman at the vending machine was very nice that she helped me get my 3-day pass and gave me a map of the central station and marked where I should go to get my free Milano card.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️  So with my 21 kg luggage(Yes, I know, it's too much

Day 1: arriving in Doha

Finally, after about four hours of waiting, I was onboard again, flying to Doha for my next transfer. Milan is still 8 hours away.    This is my first time flying with Qatar Airways. I've heard that its standard is quite great. Let's hope it's as good as what I heard. I was on board rather quickly despite a long waiting line. The cabin is clean and big. All the devices on board work very well. I remember last year I flied with China Airline, I saw some patches taped to cover the damage parts, and the touch screen was not so sensitive.     As soon as we were all seated, the cabin crew immediately distributed some wet paper towel and a bag full of things we would need for later. There are a refreshing towel, earplugs, toothbrush and toothpaste, eye mask and a pair of socks! 30 minutes on Qatar, they have already won me over.  On this flight, I had two meals which were both very yummy.      Another thing I really need to praise Qatar is their friendly crews. I asked for some w

Day 1: solo trip for the first time.

Right now I'm sitting in the waiting area at the Homg Kong International Airport, using their free charging slots.(thank god, I've found one that is not occupied!)  So this morning, I embarked on my first solo journey to Italy. I had been looking forward to this trip for a longggggg time. Yeah really, I thought about going on this trip when I was in my third year of university. That was when I decided to take nearly 30 credits for a semester, so in that year I took about 60 credits. It was pretty energy consuming.  After that crazy period of time, I finally had more free time in my fourth year that I could take two part time jobs and save more money. It went on for a year. I had worked in the ticket booth, hotel lounge, cram school and a tour agency. Anyway, it was quite tough, but it finally paid off. Now here I am in Hong Kong, waiting for to transfer!    Hong Kong airport is really big and in my opinion, looks so much nicer and feels so much more internationalized than Taoyu


Departing from the reality Arriving in your dream Vivid as if it was all real If you let me, I want to stay there for good Don't wake up now so we can both be dreaming I am lost in the maze of love Lost in the gaze of your eyes Veils seem to draw over all the faces You are the only clear thing in the dreaminess.