Day 2: First Day in Milan.

Finally I have some time to write about what I've seen so far. This is my first ever meal in Milan. It was in a small cafe in the Malpensa airport. I ordered the meal in italian, but sadly perhaps my italian was too crappy that she seemed a bit confused(aghhhh) 
The pilot who flied the plane was called Lorenzo. He was so good that I barely felt a thing when he landed. I noticed that because I was expecting the famous clapping after a plane lands safely, but I heard nothing.

I left the airport at 7, but I still needed to find something to do before my 12:30 checkin. 
I decided to go into the city central to find a TIM shop, which I couldn't find at the airport. 
I arrived at the station which was ten minutes walk from the airport. The woman at the vending machine was very nice that she helped me get my 3-day pass and gave me a map of the central station and marked where I should go to get my free Milano card.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
So with my 21 kg luggage(Yes, I know, it's too much), I went on my exploration to the central station. Once I arrived, I immediately tried to find the agency 365. The central station was huge. No one checked my ticket on my way in and out, so basically I could have just not buy the ticket lol. I spent so much time roaming in the station, but couldn't find the agency. Luckily I did find the toilet(1 euro for one pee🙄) and a TIM shop. I got a student data plan which includes 3GB internet, 500 SMS and 1000-minute phonecall. It was so worthy, but guess what, the guy in the shop also didn't bother to check if i was a student or not haha.
The Tim shop is at b1. Very easy to find. 
After asking so many people where I could find the agency 365 and being wrongfully pointed to many different places, I finally found the agency. It was outside the Zara of the central station. Yeah remember I mentioned I had a map? F*ck the map, it was so inaccurate. 
It was already 11 when I got my Milano card. I was all sweaty and tired. 
It was only inside the metro station that I realized how stupid I was to bring so many things on this trip. Why??
Yeah this is why. 
Also, please download a metro map before entering the station in case you miss the stop and end up having to carry your huge and heavy luggage across the station. 
This is the map that I use frequently during my stay in Milan. 
San Siro stadio is the stop where my bnb is at. My landlord gives really clear guide for how to get to his place. I found Fabio's place on Airbnb. And the room is as advertised on the site. It's about 10-15 minutes walk from the metro station. There are some shops nearby, including a super market. 

I highly recommend Fabio's place if you're on a budget and like me, want to have your own bathroom. 😉
This is the big supermarket near Fabio's place. 
Despite being very tired and sore all over, I still decided to go out to explore the city of Milan. The first stop was, of course Duomo. 
I finally had a feeling that I was in Milan when I saw the Duomo. The Duomo is really magnificent. I was planning to go in, but my legs were crying for a rest.
Near the Duomo I found this famous gelateria, and had my very first taste of authentic gelato. And gosh it tasted amazing!!! Please be noted that I'm not a fan of sweet stuff, but the gelato was heavenly. It was 5 euros well spent. 
If you asked me, what do I recommend, I would say, go for the fruity ones!! They really taste refreshing and not too sweet. When I go back to Taiwan, I probably won't want to go to any ice cream shops anymore. 

PS- summer in Italy is just as hot as Taiwan. A very surprising discovery for me. 😓


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