Day 1: solo trip for the first time.

Right now I'm sitting in the waiting area at the Homg Kong International Airport, using their free charging slots.(thank god, I've found one that is not occupied!) 

So this morning, I embarked on my first solo journey to Italy. I had been looking forward to this trip for a longggggg time. Yeah really, I thought about going on this trip when I was in my third year of university. That was when I decided to take nearly 30 credits for a semester, so in that year I took about 60 credits. It was pretty energy consuming. 
After that crazy period of time, I finally had more free time in my fourth year that I could take two part time jobs and save more money. It went on for a year. I had worked in the ticket booth, hotel lounge, cram school and a tour agency. Anyway, it was quite tough, but it finally paid off. Now here I am in Hong Kong, waiting for to transfer! 

Hong Kong airport is really big and in my opinion, looks so much nicer and feels so much more internationalized than Taoyuan Airport.
Here's what I ate today on the Cathay pacific plane to Hong Kong: 

Next stop: Doha


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